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Hira Ratan Manek was born on 12th of September 1937 in Bodhavad, India, was raised in Calicut, Kerala, India, where he had his Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Kerala. After graduation, he joined the family business, which was shipping and spice trading, and continued working there until he retired in 1992. Become a Member of the Solar Healing Club. Welcome to Solar Healing Center. This is a straight-forward yet effective method based on solar energy, whi.
PARANORMALNO, ZNANJE, SVJESNOST, OSOBNA MOĆ, SAMOPOMOĆ, DUHOVNOST, RAZVOJ SVIJESTI, NLO-i, VANZEMALJCI, HIPERDINMENZIONALNI REALITETI, TEORIJE ZAVJERE, HELIOTERAPIJA, ASTRALNA PROJEKCIJA, MISTERIOZNO. To što će se sada dogoditi nije se dogodilo nikada prije u povijesti univerzuma. Vjerojatno ta, donekle nepoznata i neizbježna promjena izaziva široko rasprostranjeno poricanje koje, po mom mišljenju, u ovom trenutku prevladava kod velikog broja ljudi.
Sun Gazing, Surya Sun Yoga, and Sunlight research website. Sunlightenment Sun Gazing, Surya Sun Yoga, and Sunlight research. Surya Savitri, Creator and Increaser by Sri Aurobindo. April 4th, 2017 by SunYogi. Verse 81 of the Rig Veda teaches that Surya is the seer, the revealer. Surya enlightens the mind and the thoughts with the illuminations of the Truth.
Video interview sa HRM-om u La Casa Day Spa, New York- engl. Hira Ratan Manek se pojavljuje u njegovom drugom interview sa Paulom Gloria 20. godine u New York City-ju. Ovaj video u trajanju od 1 sat i 40 minuta pokazuje taj interview predvodjenim od strane HRM-a, i njegovim odgovorima na pitanja za siru publiku. Pogledajte ovaj video, veoma je inspirativan. Preporucite ga svima koji znaju engleski jezik.
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